Registration OPENS: December 18, 2024
Registration CLOSES: January 19, 2025
Tryouts/Draft Day: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Opening Ceremonies: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Games Begin: Monday, March 3, 2025
Closing Ceremonies: Saturday, May 3, 2025
In order to have a productive season, we need parents to volunteer to manage and coach teams. Please consider volunteering your time and knowledge to help our players have a successful spring season. This is your opportunity to have an incredible impact on a child's life while also having fun. Please make sure you register separately as a manager or coach so that a background check can be submitted. Please remember ALL parents who help with a team, MUST have a background check submitted.
Pineview is excited to announce Field Sponsorships for the 2025 Spring and Fall Seasons. Field sponsors will receive a larger banner placed behind home plate on each field. There will only be 4 of these highly sought after sponsorships. Cost for sponsorship will be $1000. Once these 4 spots are claimed, the opportunity will not be available until 2026.
Team sponsorships will be greatly sought after as well. Team Sponsorships will be $500 to include a field banner with the business logo and will help to cover the cost of uniforms for the teams. Banners will be displayed for the 2025 Spring and Fall seasons. We are so excited to have returning sponsors as well as new businesses joining the Pineview family to promote their businesses and support our ball players!
For $200, your business will receive a banner with the business logo to be displayed for the 2025 Spring and Fall seasons. This is a banner only sponsorship and not a team sponsorship.
We are incredibly thankful for all who help sponsor each season. Without your support, we would not be able to provide the experience the players receive. Please see the Sponsors Tab for the sponsorship form.
Pineview Dixie Youth Baseball
1300 Methodist Park Road
West Columbia SC 29170
If you are interested in coaching a team, helping with practices, or serving as a team parent, please click on the "Coach Signup" link. Prior to the start of the season, there will be a coaches' meeting for both experienced and novice coaches to discuss rules, expectations, etc. as well as a team parent meeting to discuss the upcoming season.
For the Spring Season, players will tryout for the following divisions: Rookie Ball, Coach Pitch, Minors & O'Zone. If your player is a returning player to the division they played in last spring, they will not need to try out. If you are unsure of whether your player needs to attend tryouts, please contact If you are interested in coaching your player's team, please email Pineview when you register. Specific team requests cannot be guaranteed for the Spring Season.
League Rules can be found by clicking on the "Documents" tab above.